Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Little more help and we are very close

Sorry for little late update again.

Its good to know that doctors agreed for BMT(Money arranged from donors + PM relief fund + Tata Foundation fund) and the actual operation process starts from 1st of Dec 2011. The money arranged is sufficient for operation but we need 2 to 2.5 lakhs more for the medicine and post BMT process. With much difficulty we could arrange 4 A+ blood donors and we need few more in coming days.

Santosh needs our support to get out of this difficult times and we are very close to make it.

Lets all join hands and do what best we can. Please pray for him.


  1. Hi Praveen,

    I want to contribute some monet May I know how??

  2. Hey I have given the details in the same blog.. if you follow the link next on right side or if you go for older posts.. you can have all the details.. if you are still facing the issue, please mail me gpraveen4u@gmail.com
